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Password Corral for Windows
What's New This text file contains the most recent changes to the latest version of Password Corral. 33.4 Kb
Read Me This text file contains a detailed overview of Password Corral and its features. 8.39 Kb
Help File This is the Windows help file that is included with Password Corral. It contains more detailed information on the program and its use. (Note: The help file is not functional under Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8) 18.2 Kb
Password Corral
4.0.6 (no setup)
This version of Password Corral is identical to the full version below, except that it does not include an installation program. Simply unzip to a directory and run! 648 Kb
Password Corral
4.0.6 (full version)
This is the full version of Password Corral. 786 Kb
StatBar Console
What's New This text file contains the most recent changes to the latest version of StatBar Console. 2.2 Kb
Read Me This text file contains a detailed overview of StatBar Console and its features. 4.8 Kb
StatBar Console
This is the full version of StatBar Console. 169 Kb
Animated Cursors
Macintosh Watch
Read Me
This text file contains a detailed overview of the Macintosh Watch cursors. 2.49 Kb
Macintosh Watch
This is the full version of Macintosh animated Watch cursors. 3.21 Kb
Macintosh Pinwheel
Read Me
This text file contains a detailed overview of the Macintosh Pinwheel cursors. 2.49 Kb
Macintosh Pinwheel
This is the full version of Macintosh animated Pinwheel cursors. 3.07 Kb